Roxie has been on a musical theater binge recently, which means that she has rented at least 10 musical theater cds from the library, and has more on hold. She can't wait until the people who have them out return them.
Roxie and Reno are also in the process of trying to make dresses. Roxie is going first, but she is failing miserably, because she needs this white cotton fabric for the trim, and has none. She's hit a roadblock for now, but never fear, readers! She will persevere (meaning she will go to fabricland and buy more fabric... and a zipper).
Upon Roxie and Reno's first trip the the fabric store with Rocky, they were scolded by the woman who cut their fabric. She told Rocky to sit in a corner. Haha, Rocky. Although, upon further conversation with the three of us, she discovered that Rocky may, in fact, be the most sane of this terrible trio, and threatened to put us all in a corner.
Also, rather than bingeing on redbull, Roxie and Reno have begun to discover the wonder that is Diet Coke. It's cheaper, has no calories, and it gives us the carbonation fix we need. The downside: no caffeine.
Yesterday, We made pasta, and unlike the last time Roxie tried to make pasta, the noodles did not catch on fire.
Rocky used his Italian skills to make sauce. Yum.
Today, we tried to make a music video, but do to poor (no) planning, it turned out terrible. Well... maybe not terrible, but horribly hilarious. At least we find it funny. See what you think. You may just find it dumb... but we don't care because it was marvelous making it!
Also, present in the following film are some of our classic dance moves. You'll see Rocky doing the "Italian Shake" after Roxie tries to do her own rendition. Roxie also does the move that she learned from Reefer Madness, the musical. She was the only one of the group brave enough to attempt it, but she still failed horribly. Reno does the original "Unattractive Dance" which is followed by Roxie's "Nilchcycle" where she rides a no-wheeled vehicle. You'll also notice some hand puppets, along with Rocky's creepy entrances and exits. In addition to his creepiness, you will experience his flexibility, which rivals that of Roxie. So without further ado, we present Say My Name:
In addition to our own video, we feel the need to share another video. Well, actually, it's not a video, it's one of Roxie's favorite commercials. It's for Captain Morgan. Now, we are underage and have never ever ever experienced the joy that is Captain Morgan, but we can sure say that it looks like fun, judging from this ad:
Yes, it's wonderful. We know. Reno also has a favorite ad, but we cannot seem to find it on youtube. It's the new White Castle Ad with the burger on the phone in the large orange chair. You know the one. There are very few people in the world who find it laugh-out-loud-funny. Reno is one of them.
Also - Have some Hadouken!. We've been listening to them for probably over a year, now, and it's about time that everyone else starts listening to them too. They are fantastic and British. Yes, that means fun. They're loud and have some weird form of instrumentation, but their music is so energy pumped that we can't help but dance while driving (we're going to crash someday soon...) Anyway, have some of their music, including their remix of Bloc Party's The Prayer along with the original song.
So while you're listening to all this fantastic music you should follow Hadouken!'s advice:
"If you won't dance, then get out, get out
And if you can't sing this shout (like me)
If you've got a drink, then neck the whole cup
If you don't know the words, then just make them up"
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