Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lesbian Puppy

We have HAD IT with this rain. We've done everything we could: watched chick flicks, played video games, went to thrift shops, drank hot chocolate. We are RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS, WEATHER!!

Yesterday was pretty blah thanks to the weather and all of our commitments. Roxie got a haircut, Reno dug a ditch. The good news is that Roxie is officially working as a camp counselor this summer, and Reno is almost 100 percent sure that she will too. Fabulosity abounding. We will get lifeguard certified and you will see us standing around near brown lakes blowing whistles and fastening life vests on small children. It is going to be a blast. More on that later.

We visited one of our friends yesterday, Joey. Joey is officially totally insane and brilliant and hilarious. We have decided to make a documentary that is just an hour of him talking, because the boy's brain works like none other. Then we left after a brief discussion since Reno was like falling asleep against a wall and mumbling that her hands hurt.

Possible trips for the future:
Duke Gardens! - next week sometime.
Child's Park!- Saturday! We are recruiting our hiking crew for another fun-filled day of waterfalls and roadtrips. Mmm. Taste the happy. (Michael Bluth: "It tastes kind of like sad...")


Happily, we just downloaded the entirety of Gotye's album Like Drawing Blood after a year of dabbling in our favorite tracks. Freaking sweet, guys. Unique, melodic, catchy, amazing. The beloved classic is of course Heart's a Mess. The video is dark and sucks you in. Something about the animation, the images...

The song will stay with you, I know it. Once you've grown to adore it, have a listen to this totally rocktastic DLake remix. The indie music world is all about the Ocelot remix, but I much prefer DLake, maybe because I stumbled upon it like half a year ago and it blew my mind because I didn't know anyone even knew who Gotye was. Oh yeah, not to mention that Gotye's album of Like Drawing Blood remixes included a version of this.

MP3: Gotye- Heart's a Mess (DLake Remix)

Then there's the unbelievably upbeat and dancy tune of Learnalilgivinanlovin. With a name like that, who could refuse?

MP3: Gotye- Learnalilgivinanlovin

I'm getting overexcited here but I can't very well post the entire album. I'll guess I'll close it all up with this sad, sweet jam from Boardface: Out Here In The Cold. Good for rainy days and wistful gazes out the window.

MP3: Gotye- Out Here In The Cold


Toodles noodles.

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