Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Too Fat for Facebook

baseball at the beach
this chai tea is far too hot
let's get our nails done.

Hello hello Web 2.0. We're two Jersey girls who like to drive in cars and the like. This is a chronicle of our summer. It is this cutting edge concept that we are dubbing with a portmanteau: ZINE + BLOG = ZOG. That means there will be some tunes, some photographs, some poetry, some artwork, and some ramblings. Aren't you terribly excited? Henceforth, without any further ado...

Welcome to our Zog. The internet is a scary place so we are giving ourselves some code names:
We are BFFLOLs Reno and Roxie. Here we go.

So TODAY we went to the beach with our frenchie exchange student Aimeric. His interests include tackling Reno and playing lefty guitar. We drove along blasting the Wall and other lovely tunes, windows down, and then we went to drop off the Frenchie at the airport.


lost in the airport.
that cop keeps glaring at me.
let's go drive topless!


So lately we are ALL about the electronica. We've been bopping our heads to this crazy Muscles song with some guy yelling in the background, and also grooving to some serious MGMT. Get on it. It's perfect for a sunny Jersey day with the top down on your Chrysler. Let's get ice cream, okay?

MGMT- Kids
Muscles- Hey Muscles I Love You

On a parting note, we are starting a new diet and exercise regimen. It involves spandex. Have a look.

"Hey Reno? By any chance have you transcribed every word she says so you can boogie at home and memorize her monologue of absurdity?"
"Funny you should ask...

-Reno and Roxie, over and out.

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