Thursday, May 15, 2008

You! Me! Dancing!

Oh man, so we have returned from our ramble to Hoboken. Let us preface this by saying that we have a tendency to get lost, doesn't matter where we go. One time, we were trying to return home from Weehawken and we somehow ended up in Trenton.

So on THIS outing we inevitably got lost again. We definitely spent some time driving around Jersey City trying not to enter the Holland Tunnel and end up in the city. So we had to call Reno's dad and pull out the super-large-Jersey-map to try and figure out where we were. It took about half an hour to learn that we were NOT in fact in Hoboken, but in Jersey City. Oops.

Anyway... THE SHOW! was fun. It opened with The Orion Experience, which we just discovered probably gets its namesake from the lead singer: Orion Simprini. They were extremely hip and dance-y, and one of the vocalists Linda had these fun red boots and pink eyeshadow. Her performance was absolutely entertaining to watch, and we are pretty sure we know what she would look like having sex. That's how INTO IT she was.

Check them out, because they're hott (with two t's):

Onto Los Campesinos!. Seven members on one stage... you think it would be crowded or something, but no. Most of them looked like teenagers and the lead singer was like a small child in his mannerisms. One of the best parts was watching him mime the lyrics to all the songs. Plus, he wore Keds. Fab. This was the first show of their first full U.S. tour (we feel special) and we got to be right up at the front so head-tossing was a necessity. It was also a necessity for the people behind us, so we experienced a lot of hair-smacking.

So we stole (well not stole exactly... well actually yeah, stole) their set list. Check it out:

Basically, the last three songs rocked worlds (despite the technical difficulties, which left the audience clapping to keep the beat for about a minute while the guitarist re-tuned/switched guitars/fiddled with more electronics that we don't understand - particularly the polka-dot pedal)

The show was totally kickass live, even though we got smashed against speakers and someone stepped on Reno's hat. Plus the girl behind Reno kept trying to push her way to the front with her boobs. Dang girls. In addition to the boob-chick, the guy behind Roxie probably hit her in the head at least three times in his jumping fit. Dang guys, too. Our knees ache from jumping and our hair is a mess from throwing our heads around but it was worth it.

Before (yes, that is the interior of Maxwell's Ladies Room):

There was no encore but the crowd was screaming SWEET DREAMS SWEET CHEEKS for a good twenty minutes before they gave up. It turned into some sort of a cappella version of the song, including boys randomly singing the synth line, and a beat-boxer.

For your enjoyment, we have the song (not the crowd's version, but the actual one) along with our personal favorites:

OH and sadly, sadly, we got out into the fresh air to find that we had acquired a nearly indecipherable parking ticket for parking .. at a bus stop? I don't know. It's okay. IT'S A LEARNING EXPERIENCE as we are sure our parents will tell us, shaking their heads.

Los Campesinos! Trick-or-treat
On your driveway
In the middle of August
One of us dressed as a zombie
One of us dressed as a pirate
One of us dressed as a ninja
Four of us dressed as schoolgirls...

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